Dearth of Feedback: A Critical Flaw in the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Health Research & Innovation Review Process

Frank Houghton


The European Union (EU) faces a host of health, social, cultural, security, climate and economic challenges. In response to these the European Commission (EC) launched the Horizon Europe Research & Innovation program. This commentary critiques the review process in the Horizon Health program. A valuable opportunity to provide feedback to those progressing from Stage One to Stage Two of the review process is not being adopted, despite feedback being given to unsuccessful research teams. This may critically weaken the quality of submissions and may lead to significant wastage of time and resources. Peer review remains an important element in our research review systems and should be used to maximum impact. In evaluating potential wastage, it is crucial to incorporate opportunity costs into any such assessment.

DOI: 10.61034-JGPOH/2023-6