
Ulrich Laaser, Helmut Wenzel, Richard Seifman, Bruce Kaplan, Vesna Bjegovic-Mikanovic For Countries, Regional Authorities, and Local Communities Based on Sustainable Development Goals Abstract Aim: The United Nations SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) database, inaugurated in 2015, contains extensive and considerable information to follow up on the progress of the SDGs. We shall, therefore, explore in this […]

The Sustainable One Health Index (SOHI) for Bottom-Up Use Read More »

Wolfram Laaser Commentary on the book “How I became, or think, I became (2nd edition 2024 by Wolfram Laaser).(Ulrich Laaser) The author, my brother Wolfram, lets his life pass us by in one hundred and fifteen episodes, always in line with the professional development that eventually led him to the academic director at the University

How I became, or think, I have become Read More »

Ok Pannenborg, Richard Seifman The pandemic treaty negotiations may fail – if so, what can we constructively build upon that so far has been achieved and even improve upon Abstract The current final stage negotiations for a new pandemic treaty are moving towards a dead-end situation. Concerns of national sovereignty are dominating today’s pandemic negotiations.

Re-Treating Pandemics Read More »

Jens Holst Abstract Global health is a complex umbrella term that has grown in importance over the past two decades, particularly during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the term “global health” still lacks a universally agreed definition and is applied to a rather broad range of subjects and topics. Ultimately, global health can be

Global Health: What is the challenge? Read More »

Eliudi Eliakimu Political Leadership, Collectiveness and Widening our Engagement Abstract The world is facing multiple concurrent challenges that affect global, public and one health. Prospects in global, public and one health requires global, national and subnational political leaders to commit themselves and show the leadership towards addressing these complex and syndemic challenges. As the leaders

Prospects in Global, Public and One Health in the Era of Syndemic Global Challenges Read More »

Frank Houghton A Commentary Abstract Ireland is currently leading the way in alcohol control in Europe. Recent initiatives include both the introduction of curbs on alcohol advertising and minimum unit pricing (MUP), as well as the forthcoming implementation of legislation that will require combined text and graphic alcohol warning labels on alcohol packaging. In this

Maintaining Integrity in Alcohol Research in Ireland Read More »

Frank Houghton1, Lisa O’Rourke Scott2, Jennifer Moran Stritch3, Hazel Katherine Larkin4, Melinda Heinz5 A collection of experience and opinion Abstract The following five contributions, collectively, offer an exploration of various facets of societal challenges and public health issues, highlighting the need for awareness, research, and targeted interventions. The five commentaries for this special section, address

Sexual, Domestic, and Gender-based Abuse Read More »

Genc Burazeri, Ulrich Laaser Abstract JGPOH widmet sich einer globalen Gesundheitsperspektive – den ursächlichen Bestimmungsfaktoren der Bevölkerungsgesundheit und der öffentlichen Gesundheitssysteme.Wir starten einen neuen Ansatz, der sich einer Globaler Gesundheitsgerechtigkeit (Global Health Justice (1)), der Dekolonisierung unseres Planeten, der gefährdeten Erde, und einem „One Health“ Konzept verpflichtet weiß, das Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen, Gewässer und die

The Journal of Global, Public and One Health, Editorial (German) Read More »